Should please Batman fans and action gamers alike.

User Rating: 8.5 | Batman: Vengeance PS2
I'll make this review short and to the point. The graphics and controls are not necessarily up to par with most of the games in the genre, but the gameplay far surpasses most attempts at random action games. In addition, this is probably the best licensed Batman game, if not second to Rise of Sin Tzu, and that makes it much more pleasing for Batman fans. Based on The Animated Series, Vengeance's villains include Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and everyone's favorite - The Joker. Fight scenes in this game are not dragged out and are rather fun. The Badgadgets you get to toy around with are surprisingly fun, batarangs, batgrapples, you name it, this game has it. A reasonably solid story line featuring the Joker involved in yet another of his diabolical schemes will keep you entertained for a couple of hours. I was quite pleased when I found a copy of this game used for less than $10, and I am sure you will be too.