Not knowing what to expect, it turned out to be one of my favorite games.
The game starts you off in a Prologue/Training mission as a lot of games do. The controls are very simple and easy to use. You use the Wii-mote to aim, the Nunchuck to move, the B button to shoot, and the A button to give orders and select troops. The Z button is used for lock on, while not required to kill things. (What i mean by that is that you can kill enemies without thelock-on , it's not impossible, just more difficult and takes a bit more skill) I love the controls on the game, and i wouldn't have them made any other way. Although i don't like the lock on a lot, because in my opinion it takes away a lot of the skill, it is necessary in order to make the game playable in some situations. So as the story begins, The Iron Legion is trying to control the world, and its up to theXylvania to stop them. So a lone soldier is sent to detonate a bomb and stop The Iron legion from doing all the bad things they do. But during that first mission, you get a couple more grunts under your command that you get to control. Controlling your battalion is really easy and well done. Although in the first mission you are given grunts and bazookas, later in the game, you are given control of heavy weapon experts, flame throwers, tanks, bombers, helicopters, etc. All of the controlling is put together really well and most people shouldn't have a problem with it. After that you are thrown into the command of the solar empire, and the second mission is somewhat a training mission, but more intense then the first one. So after you have the controls down, (which let me tell you are fantastic) you continue the Solar Empire campaign which is four missions long. The way game divides the story is into campaigns of the different factions of the world. Sometimes you'll be playing the good guys, sometimes the bad guys. The campaign is fun, sometimes although not intentionally funny, and represents a good part of the game.
BWii2, as its commonly called, has the campaign and a full fledged online mode using Nintendo's Wi-fi connection. All controls in single player are used in multi-player along with being having use Battalions. You have the choice of three game modes, all two players each. Co-op, Assault, and skirmish. Co-op is selfexplanatory, but unfortunately , you don't play the off line campaign, but instead, four specially designed missions only available for online. The next game mode, Assault, is a game of defend and attack. One player is sent to attack the other player and complete a set number of goals, while the defenders job is to stop them. Its a fun little game mode, with some maps been easier for certain sides more-so then others, what most people will probably be playing is skirmish. Skirmish is a basicdeath match where you kill other soldiers, and take airbases, factories, and such for points. Whoever has the most points and the end of the match, wins. All of the game types work perfectly and i personally change anything. Butunfortunately, Nintendo decided to use friend codes again. I guess it's something we as the gamers will have to live with. One more thing i don't like is the lack of voice chat. It would simplify Co-Op a lot and makecompetitive matches a little more edgy
All in all this is a fun, addictive game, completely worth your 50 dollars. With the campaign, 3 online modes, and how well everything was put together, it isdefiantly worth it.