one is good , two is better
-The graphics and gameplay : if you compare the graphics with both games , you won't find much difference.Ofcourse , since water is a more important field , it obviously looks much better.The real difference in both games is the gameplay.Now ,instead of holding a shoulderbutton and wait for three seconds to respond , aiming is much easier and responsive.Also the buttonsare right picked and some movements are a lot of fun : steering a plane or to submerge.Except jumping , the movements are just right.
-the story : the story is in a way more epic than in the last game : now there are more "plot twists" (wich I think is a good thing).But the story itself is not THAT great ( not novel great) but the way the story relates to the real world is just asome .First it's the Brittish against the chinese and before you know it You'll play as an army from the underworld.As I said , the story is divided in 5 parts , each part represents an army at your controle.Every army has their strong and weak points , but you'll discover that when you play it.At the end of the game you'll realise that war and sides of a war are relative : everybody is right for their cause and wrong for their actions( just a pfilosofical note)
-The multiplay : the greatest feature of BWII is it multiplayer component.Their is not much to it , it's the same gameplay , same army.On the other hand it's so much fun playing against or with eachother ( I specially liked that last thing).It's just a shame you can't directly talk with another , but that can be solved using MSN or a cellphone.
-the extra's : a lot of peoplethink multiplay is the best feature .Actually to me ,I thinks the extra's make the game just right.When you played the first battalion wars , I bet you couldn't wait to see that screen that showed you a new unit.The downside was that you couldn't see it again.Wel in BWII that's gone and even improved a lot.When you clear a campaign with all a-rank missions : you could see all the units in 360degrees of the army in the next campaign.The units are amazingly designed and the notes are witty .The thing I really like is that all the units are related with the real world.example : the spitfire with the anglo sputterflare , the AK-47 with the tundran KA-47,etc.
With the dossier you also hear a theme that relates to the real world (especially the one from the tundran territories)
the concept art is also woth unlocking.
-To me BWII is one of the greatest wii games (since I'm a fan).The graphics are good enough,the gameplay is at least worth a try and anybody who knows a bit of real world weapons and armies will love this game.