hilarious, challenging, fun and downright a great war game.
you control a whole battalion of troops in real time. the controls are kinda wierd at first but just dont think of it as a rts but rather a shooter/action game with strategy mixed in. there is only one thing that is awkward throughout the whole game is the c-stick unit selection but with practice you will get used to it.
graphics- 8
cartoony advance wars style look with a british tinge seeing as kuju a britain team developed it. the units have a distinct look from each other and the vehicles are easily recognizable so you shouldn't have any issues with units.
the action holds up well and there is a over the top view that is useful for seeing a whole battlefield.
sound- 8
great music with a light serious military hint. the voice acting is a bit annoying and awkward but it sounds okay.
value- 9
20 tough and awesome fights that take a good time to beat. there is high replayability as playing missions over can yield better grades which add the campaings (there's four of them) average which then unlocks really tough bonus missions that you play as the enemies. WARNING the second is impossible and i have tried it umpteenth times and cannot beat it still.
tilt- 9
seems high for a war game right? not at all each vehicle is different and effective infantry control is complex also aircraft offers a whole new dimension to the battlefield and when you got infantry, ground vehicles and aircraft in one battle... it is crazy.