Although good, this game swings in difficulty to often.
User Rating: 7.5 | Battalion Wars GC
When I first purchased this game i thought it would be as good as it's gameboy brother Advance Wars which is a great game. This however is not Advance Wars. Unlike that series of games this is in real time making it far to difficult to control. When everything is flying around you it is very VERY hard to control your individual units. I found it near impossible to keep the units that i did want attacking a tank from attacking it. The interface and controls are way to confusing, which totally kills it's appeal to younger gamers, which is what the game seems to be aimed at. I also found that the difficulty of the game was to hard. I have played harder games, but never ones that shifted in difficulty so much. One level will be extremly easy, and the next will kick your ass all over the place without mercy.Overall this game is fair, but way to confussing to anyone with less than perfect brain-to-eye-to-hand coordination.