A war /strategy game worth playing

User Rating: 8 | Battalion Wars GC
To be quite Frank with you Battalion Wars came as a surprise to me when I bought it . I was expecting a Nintendo-esque war game without a challenge and the skill needed to play more "in depth" RTS's . I was gravely mistaken Battalion Wars under its kid like surface , form the story and the graphics really is a challenging game designed for those who love massive battles . ( Not massive massive but still pretty good). The story is bad versus es good , nothing really important , the voice acting is horrid but that's not why you're playing this game it's for the game play , which is something you won't find on another console last gen . You can switch to any soldier on the field whenever you'd like using the c-stick and the Z button .This causes a problem when you're in a firefight with several enemy NPC's . You can get swarmed , form the ground and the air which makes each missions seem different every time you play . Each mission is different and sets it self part from the others . During the battle sequences the game never even drops down in frames and never bugs down the game play . The only issues with the game is the fact with the great arsenal of moves at your disposal the controls are diffcult in some spots and aren't very intuitive , the other problem is that there is no MULTILAYER in a war oriented game , which in my opinion is a big kick in tech balls .