Once again GameSpot gets it wrong.
User Rating: 8 | Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed PS2
The game does not deserve to get a 4.5 not at all. I give it an 8. I own the other 2 battle assault games for the PS1 and they were great. This is a bit diff but thats ok, the levels are not to detailed, but they look good enough for a fighting game. Lots of unlockable chars in the game, I think about 40 in all. The fighting is what its all about in this game. Big special attacks, crazy weapons in the levels you can pick up. Its like a mix of Power stone SSB and Gundam. I liked all those games so this one works for me. If I were to listen to the reviewers i would have missed out on a great fighter. Sure it has its flaws, not too many fighting moves in the game, and some of the specials look the same, but there pretty cool to look at. A pretty long story mode too, lots of levels and diff routs to take. If you like Gundam and shooting huge beams at your opponent this is the game for you.