The screenshots almost make this game look interesting, but there's nothing there of even average value!
I might as well start by telling you that the "cut-scenes" in this game are static drawings. Yes, drawings - not even high quality drawings, but stuff we saw in the SNES days (I am 100% serious). Maybe the concept was based on a comic-book approach, but it did not materialize that way. When I first saw that, I actually quit the game, and did a search online just to be sure that there's not some sort of a setting in-game that shows the developer story board (similar to the audio commentaries on DVD/bluray releases). Anyways, nope, the drawings are the actual cut scenes. Moving on. The graphics are somewhat on the better side of things, though they become very, very bland quickly. The A.I. in the game is either missing entirely or broken - not sure which, but basically expect no depth to any aspect of fighting. It's all scripted, so there's zero dynamics in the combat system.
The audio is passable, but the voice acting becomes comical at most points. I really can't say more about that.
The game is short, very short - which, if you have the patience to finish it, will be perhaps the best feature of the game. The story, well, if you saw the movie, it's exactly like that. Nothing new there.
Hopefully you'll save yourself the pain of even giving this game a try - just pass by it and move on. Cheers!