a guitar hero knock-off... with a wii remote?
Oh yes, the TERRIBLE covers even though this is a pro cause they would play these in different genres due to what "band" (they don't even look like they're playing anything, and they jsut don't know what 2 do with themselves hearing this "music") is in control of the music. But the way they butcher good songs amazes me to this day ( I heard a "classical" version of Spoonman) and is hilarious and the only reason to play this game all the way through.
For the cheap-asses out there you might be happy 2 no that no you don't need a peripheral to play this (I don't even know what to call it) and can use the wii remote and to my surprise the developers actually managed to make it responsive (now why couldn't Samba de Amigo) and considering that this is a budget title I thought they would screw this up completly (DDI).
Honestly, you're just waggleing the wii remote there's nothing 2 it (probalby a tonedeaf person could at least do easy, or in most cases REALLY easy) other than 2 hear how they'll butcher the song (yes, even in the genre it was originally in it sounds terrible) there's no monivation or story (which is understandable as music games shouldn't have stories, GH3 attempted it but it was in the end just a slight change of the formula your band starts out small and you get larger with the more songs you play)
Really basic and a bit 2 easy for me and this was out the same time as rock band (just 2 prove how terrible it is it couldn't get 1 master, at least that S***y rock "revolution" had 2 masters)
Overall get it for $5 as obscure as a price as that might be it's not worth anything more than that