Battle Of Immortals - another ''kill 3000 poor pixies to get level'' or something more than that?
When u first ''turn on'' the game - it really feels as ''ANOTHER GRINDING MMO' that is doomed to fail! '' And u shut it down, then, u get bored, and turn it on again..and, you will like it more and more, especially after you get to lvl 30-40 - which u get REALLY fast -->then the MAIN fun begins(dungeons, instances, events and so on). Main point why it keeps me ''glued'' is that you dont have to grind same mob for hours to get exp, you just go and do one of the many events/instances or go questing(there are tonns of quests, though they are ''go kill'' type, but they wont keep you bored coz there is like ''backstory'' to every quest and so on. Anyway, one of the most interesting parts of game is PET system, yo u can get almost ANY monster to be your pet, and I mean it. You like some gorilla you killed in your quest - just stay and kill those gorillas, till your pet ''drops'' then u catch it and BAM!! u have your own gorilla :D Though pets are more than just gind and catch, there are tonns of different pets, and every pet is different in power, u can catch PERFECT pet that is WAY more powerful than ''common'' and so on..
And of course there are armours, and outfits and stuff like that, I mean, more u kill, cooler your armour gets - Your pauldrons begin to glow/smoke, or become energized with electrical power, your weapons glow and so on - so ''outfit freaks'' should like this game. There are tonns of other different and interesting stuff in there, but I'm too lazy to write about it, so just try it out yourself :D