lets see here. i always like to start off with a simple should you get the game. it would be a yes, seeing as it's free to play, free to get, and barely takes any time to install. the good: easy movement, exploding combat, and a good half way point between graphics and processing make this game easy to fall in love with. now that they have a server basically anywhere you don't really have to worry about lag all too much, and the frame rate of the game is superb so it makes for a very smooth look and feel. it's sort of a fire and forget sort of game seeing as combat is basically mindless, and your pet will probably end up doing 50% or more of the work, and everything that's left to you is merely clicking the same 3 buttons over and over again until you see that little red bar empty. out of combat, things are practically more mindless with the (might i add you very efficient and handy) auto-path. to make it even more easier they made leveling so quick you get to jump right into the action of solid pvp fairly soon while still feeling proud of the character you forged. but don't worry the sheer easiness of the game actually makes it better, and there's so much more good stuff to it. in this game they focus around "soul gear" which is to my understanding gear that gets better the more you use it (or in other words it progresses along side you) so that you get to share a bond with your weapon that will stick with you like a good friend, look sweet, and still kick ass. you get to step right into instances at about level 20 (which you can probably get to in a couple hours) where the quest line sort of brings you into it forcing you to have to party up. once in the instances you gain a massive amounts of experience compared to just regular questing so working for that party is worth the wait, and there's a large demand for it to put the cherry on top. not to mention it's actually pretty epic and just plain fun. the classes are pretty elaborate and sort of follow a rock-paper-scissors-shoot sort of logic. (this is just an example this isn't how it really works) berserker beats magus, magus beats slayer, slayer beats heretic, heretic beats berserker.
the bad: it's not immersive and it's hard to stay focused on it (which for people who are always short on time i guess that would be a good thing). not a real large sense of accomplishment and your sort of like "wow i didn't even know i leveled...again" however you will be able to look at your character and say "wow i'm a badass". other than that the camera angles SUCK but i guess it still works fairly smoothly. the flood of random **** in the text box makes it hard to notice if anybodies talking to you or anything. seeing as everything is based off of normal fantasy places a child would plan to hear in a bed time story, there's really no innovative ideas on places or setting in general. you start off in an expedition camp for the great pyramids, then you get sent off to atlantis (which also happens to be the main city) and then easter stone islands or whatever it's called with the big statues of the heads, and yatayatayata it's all stuff we've heard before and WHY ISN'T ATLANTIS UNDERWATER IT'S NOT AN EFFING GARDEN, WTF!? overall:
graphics- 8.5 (they sustain good graphics with good processing)
gameplay- 8.0 (mindless but pretty)
sound- 7.0 (nothing impressive)
responsiveness- 9.0 (no lag i could find)
pvp- 8.0 (nothing special)
quests- 8.0 (again mindless but that's not a bad thing)
instances- 9.0 (short, sweet, and worthwhile)
innovation- 5.0 (barely anything innovative)
length- 8.5 (for a free mmo it's a little above average)
Another grind fest, another hack m' slash game, terrible graphics, bad community; these are only the few problems found with most current F2P mmo's. Mostly these issues arise due to lack of funding, and sooner or later t... Read Full Review
From the dark sea of Free To Play MMORPGs comes this glittering jewel of a game. I searched on MMOhut for a FTP game that suited my fancy. I had played Titan Quest for hundreds of hours and hadn't found any successor ... Read Full Review