Battlefield 1 is one of those games that it seemed like everyone was super hyped for. But unlike most of the games that have come out this year, Battlefield 1 meets and in some cases exceeds the expectations that were set on it before launch. It is a game that is heartfelt, gorgeous, and tons of fun. I would like, to begin with, what was most likely the most questioned part of the game, it's single player campaign.
When you start up the game the first thing you do is play as the Harlem Hellfighters in an intro sequence that serves as a tutorial, introduction, and mood setter for the rest of the story missions to come. I would love to tell you about all that happens in this intro, and the rest of the story missions to come, but for the sake of not spoiling anything I will not. I will just say that each and every mission in Battlefield 1's campaign is extremely well written and heartfelt. There are six story missions in total if you count the intro and all together they last roughly six hours, about an average of one hour apiece. Which is nice since none of the stories are connected, so you can jump in and complete one when you have some free time, and enjoy the excellent story telling without having to take a huge chunk of time, to complete all the missions back to back.
There are six story missions in total if you count the intro and all together they last roughly six hours, about an average of one hour apiece. Which is nice since none of the stories are connected, so you can jump in and complete one when you have some free time, and enjoy the excellent story telling without having to take a huge chunk of time, to complete all the missions back to back.
Anytime before, or after you complete all of the single-player missions in Battlefield 1 you can jump into it's extremely well crafted multiplayer. Which just like the rest of the game is breathtakingly beautiful. All of the weather effects and destruction are eye-numbingly gorgeous and look like a mix between a heavenly landscape and a hellish war.
There is a total of five different play modes you can choose from. With some of them being outstanding and some of them being just there to be there. The modes in Battlefield 1's multiplayer are Conquest, War Pigeon, Team Deathmatch, Rush, and Operations. The first mode I will talk about is Conquest, which is my personal favorite.
Conquest is the classic Battlefield mode where you use everything in your arsenal, including planes, tanks, cars, and horses, to capture and hold points on the map. You will play until one team reaches 1000 score, or 45 minutes are up. As you can expect, utter chaos ensues and that is what makes Conquest my personal favorite Battlefield 1 multiplayer mode.
Next mode I want to talk about is War Pigeon, which is my little brother's favorite mode. Now this is the mode that most people would have assumed would be the gimmick mode, but it actually turns out that War Pigeon is a highly addictive and adrenaline-filled mode. The gist of this mode is to capture, hold, then release three pigeons, and the first team to do this wins. The cool part about this mode is that you can shoot the pigeon the other team has released out of the sky. This makes the matches last a bit longer and makes them a lot more hectic as bullets are flying everywhere.
Now that those two modes, which are the best in the game, in my opinion, are out of the way, I'd like to talk about the other three game modes in Battlefield 1. First off is the classic Team Deathmatch, which can be fun at times but does not lend itself as well to Battlefield 1's combat as Conquest does. Secondly is Operations, which is a new mode in Battlefield, and while I have seen a couple of people who say this is their favorite mode, I just couldn't get into it as much as I would have liked. Finally, there is Rush, which is by far my least favorite mode in multiplayer.
Even though three out of the five multiplayer modes in Battlefield 1 aren't great the two that are, are so amazing that they are worth spending all of your time in. Also, with the 9 maps available, and one more free one coming soon, there is plenty of variety and areas to experience in these modes.
I would like to take a little bit to cover some other things I have not as of yet. The major one of these is that the sound design in this game is probably the best I have experienced in any game ever, to date, Next is that I have only experienced one bug while playing, where the frame rate dropped a lot, and I have experienced no online server issues while playing which is a rarity for online games these days.
Lastly, as if I haven't praised the game enough yet, I would like to say that this game is a must buy if you have at least one friend to play online with, you will get countless hours of entertainment and fun. I also believe that Battlefield 1 is definitely a contender for game of the year. I am super excited for whatever Dice decides to do next for their Battlefield series.
Score - 9/10 Superb