Note: If I put something that might not be the case, please comment and I'll edit it on the spot
I don't know how to write a review for a game that can be reviewed in one word: amazing. I don't know where to begin. But all I can say is that Battlefield 1 is a must buy. Yes, it's not for everyone, but it's a must buy for both fans and people who are unsure about trying out the game.
I'll start with the campaign. The campaign, while short, is beautifully crafted and has you stepping into the shoes of different types of soldiers from different nations fighting different wars. it's beautifully crafted and you can easily tell that the developers made the game with care. The campaign is there, but it's more of a side attraction than anything.
The multiplayer is the so-called main dish of the game and the franchise. The multiplayer is smooth, well-done and looks amazing. the gamemodes are well done and they mix in old and new. Then there are the operations where you play a mix of different game modes on 2-3 different maps. There were some connectivity issues that I experienced when I played, and I found a bug where my game crashed whenever I was loading into a game which I could only fix by uninstalling and reinstalling the game. There are bettlepacks in the game. But, they are cosmetic only besides that you can get puzzle pieces to unlock melee weapons.
Despite it's bugs and glitches, Battlefield 1 is a must-buy and a great game to own for both fans and franchise newcomers.