Not only an expansion pack... it is a Secret Weapon to the Battlefield 1942 arsenal, and a welcome addition.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII PC
Where to start... well, first off. Battlefield 1942, to me, is THE best in the series. Not completely for its gameplay, but, for the sheer freedom it gives player's, and mod-developers.

Battlefield 1942 is an astounding game, wrought of hard work, fresh idea's, and is always forward-looking. The Secret Weapons of WWII, is just that. Offering another playing field. Another outlook, and another sense of appeal. If you can manage to fly a jet five times around a prop-plane, before it has a chance to pull away, not only are there new skills to be aquired, but... there are new ways to aquire them aswell.

Though, many of the vehicles, and maps have difficulties, and things need to be understood, before their true power can be tapped fully... I believe that SWoWWII is what I was expecting from The Road to Rome Expansion. I can't always play online, and offering 25% of my CPU Time to AI, in the Road to Rome Expansion, did nothing, but the AI had something new to accomplish, somewhere new to go. And it did it, just as well as any.

The maps are from area's that, yes, are difficult. But therein lies the challenge, and what makes it fun. The Eagle's nest. With those Artillery-firing German Tanks, its not easy to get across the bridge. But if you can make it, it isn't the same way the second time. And over-all, the skill base, the new weapons, and the new vehicles, and maps, are welcome, and make this expansion a culmination of the overall dream of DICE and this series that we see now.