With intense online battles, vehicles aplenty and mods to rival Half-life's this game is a must have despite its age.
GAMEPLAY: Unlike the battlefield games that followed this game relies heavily on teamwork, no longer is every second player a lone wolf trying to get a new badge. Without a ranking system the game is actually more enjoyable and more relaxed overall. The amount of maps is unbelievable after having played the 10 or so bf2 had to offer, and with the mods you'll stuck for choice. There are countless vehicles in this game, which makes up for a lack of weapons in the game. The game takes place over 5 fronts of world war II, historical accuracy isn't really an issue in this game, as gamespot said this game is like a comic book version of the war. The mods change the gameplay completely, from the heated firefights of dester combat to the hillarious and cantankerous pillaging and booty snatching of battlefield pirates. The possibilities are seemingly endless.
GRAPHICS: The graphics are surprisingly good, not as good as bf2, but theyre not far off, not to mention lag isnt much of an issue if you have a decent pc. SOUND: What can i say, in both the game and its mods the sound is just fantastic, from the wailing shells to the distant rumble gun fire the game sounds like a battlefield, if you have a head set the sound is even better.
VALUE: You dont get any better than this, you will clock up hours reaching triple digits in no time, all for a a budget pricetag. Play it with friends and open fire!
PROS: The price, the vehicles, the mods, the maps, perfectly balanced, ingenious artillary system (actually requires teamwork and skill)
CONS: Lack of weapon variety, no squad organisation, no voip (ventrillo does fine though)
I strongly urge you to play this game, give it a chance and i'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as i have. Thank you for reading my review, i hope you enjoy many hours of fun if you choose to purchase this game.
(i apologise for any spelling mistakes i have definately made along with many other grammatical atrocities and a total desecration of the english language in the course of the writing of this review - have a nice day!)
- kebn