Awesome expansion

User Rating: 9.2 | Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome PC
A very solid expansion pack to BF1942 for all fans, if a tad light-on in content. Very few games have covered the Italian theatre of WW2 and Road to Rome gives a satisfying taste of these oft-forgotten battles. But there are only six new maps, a handful of new vehicles, a couple of new small arms - oh - and Free French and Italian troops of course.

Great fun. WW2 fragging on land, sea, and air has been taken to a whole new level with the BF1942 series. Road to Rome will not disappoint hard-core fans looking to expand their battlefields.
Husky (frantic beach assault)and Monte Cassino (storming a hilltop ruin) are the best maps, where even the bots put up a good fight. Anti-tank guns make a welcome appearance. The new maps are mostly well thought out and encourage greater teamwork.

Very solid as per the original game. Road to Rome offers a good presentation of the hilly Italian landscape. New vehicles are nicely done. No new special effects, but the original ones still hold up very well. Great physics continue to lend extra realism to the visual richness of BF1942.

Very good. The sounds convey the dynamic chaos of war in a convincing fashion. There's nothing quite like ducking desperately for cover behind a low wall, frightened out of your wits. You can't see much but artillery shells are screaming just overhead, bullets are ricocheting about your ears, and somehwere you hear the drone of a plane's engine and you wonder if it has seen you cowering below. You never know quite when and how death is going to strike you in this game, but you resolve to die gloriously at least. You stand up..rallying your buddies for a valiant charge are struck between the eyeballs by a single fatal bullet. C'est la vie!