Battlefield 1943 review

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 1943 X360
When I went to download this game and started playing it, it is so awesome. I am a big fan of the Battlefield series since 1942. This game is so much fun. This game is also an online multiplayer only game. No single player at all.

Battlefield 1943 is a World War 2 shooter game and it contains the game mode that we all love. Conquest. There are 4 maps in this amazing downloadable game which 3 of them are your infantry and vehicle maps and the other maps is a map that is only for plane fights. This mode is called Air superiority which is where you get into a plane and start shooting everyone else and for your team to win, you must stay the longest in the capture zone just like Conquest but there is only one capture point which is large.

The game runs on the Frostbite engine which is so awesome to look at. Everything just looks realistic. This engine is from the Bad Company games. The graphics are the same but still look awesome.

The gameplay is like all other battlefield games where you have to capture as many points to get rid of the other team to win.

This game is so realisitc as like other battlefield games and every hardcore player will love this game. I certainly do.

This game is only online multiplayer but it is definitely a great arcade game to buy. Definitely worth it.