A great game, if you like the same. Read on!

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 1943 X360
Battlefield 1943 is a great game. You get to choose from three classes and there are three maps in the game. That may not sound like much, but the maps are very very large and the classes are pretty neat as well. The game utilizes many experiences from WWII very realistically. For example, in two of the maps, you start off on a huge ship and then dispatch to the islands in smaller boats making the experience a whole lot engaging.

The graphics in this game are really good for a game which is download only. The character faces look really bland but other than that the beautiful uses of the frostbite engine are shown.

The game sounds fantastic! From the engaging menu music to the sounds from th weapons, this game sounds great.

Here is where the game stumbles. The controls are great and shooting and running and driving is all executed perfectly. However, it doesn't do anything different from Bad Company. If you are a newcomer then you will have a great time. But it would've been nice to have a bit variance in game modes perhaps.

The game is multiplayer online only. It has a great amount of replay value even with three maps. A fourth map is coming after 43,000,000 kills have been achieved which gives another incentive to keep playing.

The only thing that bugs me is that nothing has been added to the game. But when everything else is so fun and so engaging, it's easy to overlook one little gripe. Newcomers and fans will have a great time with this game. Buy It!!

P.S. If you are having a hard time finding a match, don't worry! it will be fixed soon. If you can, keep trying! That's what I did.