Best downloadable game ever?

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 1943 PS3

That's not much of a buy-in for what is essentially Bad Company sans the modern setting. Yet, even that description falls short of what this game has to offer. Much like Battlefield games before it, BF:1943 is all about teamwork, strategy, large maps, visceral gameplay, the dynamic nature of multiplayer play---and drivable vehicles. The recent improvement in the series' form comes from the Frostbite engine which has added destructible environments, which is a HUGE plus for this type of game.

What the game lacks on extensive weaponry or features it trades for meaningful and balanced classes, fun and open maps--and planes!

Honestly, this is probably the best $15 I've spent on a game in a long time. The graphics and general presentation are on par with any store bought, $60 game. The gameplay is tight, varied, balanced and flat-out fun. Rolling through sandbags and blowing a hole in the side of a building with a tank, or bombing tanks from your plane overhead--or--hopping in an amphibious boat with teammates to beach and invade--all these things play out like the movies, and it couldn't be more of a blast knowing that every plane that passes overhead--every tank, jeep, or foot soldier is a real person doing their part on the Battlefield to either rack up kills or assist in capturing and holding flag points (really you should be doing both).

I was a big fan of Bad Company and the Frostbite engine, and while I recognize that BF:1943 doesn't have single-player like BF:BC, or as many gadgets and guns--it's price point makes it very agreeable to my taste. Also, the graphics are much brighter and clearer than the hazy, dark world of Bad Company. I have to say, after I became accustomed to the much more vibrant and crisp colors---it's a more fun game to look at than Bad Company.

Even though there is no single-player besides the tutorial, the game thrives online even more so because of it. Jumping into a game takes no more than hitting Quick Join on the main screen and within seconds (literally) you are loading into a game in progress.

What the game lacks in features (compared to other Battlefield games--most shooters at $60 lack the variety the vehicles add) it makes up with incredible price point, and thrilling gameplay.

The thrill of combat in this WW2 game overshadows other shooters set in the same era. The $15 on this game went much further than my $60 did on CoD: World at War. Again no good single-player like World at War, but then again--single-player in a hardcore shooter is very linear and predictable when it comes to computer-controlled opponents. This game offers the unexpected at all times.

If any complaints can be filed, is that they haven't released any map packs for it yet--and the only maps available (3 currently available, the 4th pending a 43 million community kills mark) currently are all set on pacific islands. I would drop $10 right this moment on 3 more maps set in Europe and this game would probably be my favorite shooter of the year so far--if it isn't already.

If you have a broadband connection to the internet and an Xbox (with LIVE subscription) or a PS3 (we get to play it online for free!) this is probably the best $15 you can spend if you like shooters and blowing stuff up.

Me, I'm TOTALLY addicted to the planes. If anything I like the game more than it's Bad Company sibling because having a dogfight in a WW2 plane is immensely more satisfying to me than the helicopters in Bad Company. The planes are difficult to master, but everyone fights to nab one --- so it seems to me pretty much everyone has as much fun as I do flying those things.
Also after a harrowing air battle, if you jump out of your plane in time--you can parachute down to the ground and carry on with the good fight. This game keeps up the pace and sometimes really makes you feel like you are a movie action hero.

The sound and atmosphere are incredible. The sound of gun fire in the distance is a constant reminder to the overall conflict, while the boom of a tank's main cannon right next to you--or the roar of a plane engine as it passes overhead in a low strafe is nothing short of jolting and realistic.

This is by far a game that has captured my imagination when it comes to starting price point and gameplay value. Even if the game eventually works its way up to a $60 game through map additions, I'm going to be there every time to jump into the new maps---because the setting--gameplay--graphics--vehicles----sound---shooting---destruction--multiplayer----EVERYTHING makes this a $60 game in spirit.

If you play shooters or just like mayhem and multiplayer in general, this $15 goes a LONG way.

NOTE: I have love for some of the downloadable classics like Dishwasher, Geometry Wars, Pac-Man CE, and Flower but this one ABSOLUTELY takes the cake. I've probably logged twice as many hours playing this this week than I have in most of those games' lifetime. This is truly a full-price experience.

/rant of love