Battlefield 1943 is one of the best XBLA games out there. A must have for every first person shooter out there.
Battlefield 1943 only knows a Multiplayer mode, well actually 2 if you count the Air Superiority Mode as well. ASM is a mode that lets America and Japan fight for Coral Island, but not with guns, with airplanes. Yes, each counrty hops in a plane and tries to destroy the enemy aircraft. The team with the most planes in the air wins. But enough about the ASM, let's go back to the real war, on Iwo-Jima, Cuadacanal and Wake Island. Yes, the game only knows three maps but trust me, their are big enough. And for those pleople out there who still thinks that's lame, one map in 1943 is bigger than all the maps out of Call of Duty 4 put together.
But every game has his good points and bad points. And 1943 only has one bad point: the weapons. The game only contains 6 weapon packs. 3 for Japan, 3 for the USA. The first pack contains a rifle with granade launcher, the second one contains an automatic weapon. Weapon pack 3 is a sniper with a handgun(and a sword if you play as Japan).
But hey, it's all good, you don't have to run around with these weapons, no. If you're feeling a bit lazy, just hop into a SUV, tank, boat or aircraft. Or crawl behind a Flak 88 or a mounted machinegun to really suprise the enemy.
I've got to recognize, I've never played a Battlefield game before. I'm more a Call of Duty fan, if you know what I mean. But 1943 is just a great game and it will keep you warm till MW2 comes out in November.
The graphics are amazing, the controlls rock, the weapons are allright and the maps are just perfect. What else can you ask? And all this pleasure & fun for a lousy price of 1200 Ms points.(15$)