$14.99 and I have more fun playing this than Call of Duty 4.
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The good: Large maps gives plenty of room for vehicular combat-Vehicle's are great for aea, air, or land-Though vehicles aren't of wide selection, there perfect for what they are-Player are mostly friendly and will slow down to let you hop in a jeep or tank with them-Three classes provide great balance with no class overpowering the other-Only $14.99.
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The bad: Three maps can get repetative, even if they are good-Only three classes of soldiers-Rare team balancing issues can hinder gameplay greatly when they occur-One game mode.
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The neutral: No bonuses for higher rank-Sniper rifle can seem underpowered at times.
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Battlefield 1943 is a great first person shooter in most ways, but like all games it's not without flaws. It's weapon system does provide great balance, but get's repetative after a while. Same goes for the maps, as though they are great, three isn't alot. On the other hand, Battlefield 1943 offers many more pros than cons.
The maps are big, but you will almost never find yourself running for two minutes looking for action. A good amount of vehicles and friendly players can hve you zooming around maps with no problems at all. That is, unless you have those teamates that grap a jeep and go with no sympathy for anyone else, but these occasions are rare. Five flags on each map makes sure that there is rarley one choke point that everybody loiters around. There are times where alot of player are at one flag, but this isn't a bad thing at all. When the flag count is even on both teams and you are fighting for a neutral flag, it makes the game feel intense anf firefights are great. With tanks and planes bombing all around, it will feel like a real warzone. Especially because of the great destructable environments.
The graphics in Battlefield 1943 aren't only the best for a downloadable game, but can be compared to all kinds of game thanks to the use of the same engine that was used in other popular Battlefield shooter, Battlefield: Bad Company. From on foot, to land vehicles, and even planes, the framrate hold up surprisingly well and there are no freeze-ups. When flying a plane you may even get shot down for sight-seeing the amazing water sand combinations And great foilage. This game has the most realist looking water I have ever seen, and when you parachute out of a plane you will enjoy the nice rise down.
The gameplay is top notch and has great gunplay. Though the sniper can seem underpowered with mostly only two shot kills(unless it's a headshot) it does make getting a kill that much more satifying, and you can rack up alot of kills if you become skilled with a sniper rifle. The aiming and recoil is solid, and there really is nothing more you can ask from that. Except for more weapons that is. Also some more game modes. Battlefield 1943 has one game mode in which it's kind of a team deathmatch capture the flag mixture. Your team gets points for having the most flags, and also for evey kill your team gets. Each team starts out with a full meter, and as the game progresses the meters will go down as teams get points. Every kill and flag you have makes the other teams meter goes down. The first team to have there meter fully depleated, loses.
The ranking system is O.K, but I don't really now if a symbol next to your name as the only reward is a good or bad. When you're just a noob, it will keep the game more balanced as it only focusses on skill and not fancy perks and booster. But on the other hand you might be thinking you deserve something better for playing so long and getting your rank so high. With that said there are plenty of ranks that will keep you playing for hours on end trying to reach the max rank.
What makes Battlefield 1943 great is the fact that you get a full game for only $14.99. The low price tag really adds to the quality, and with feeling that this game could sell for $24.99 you really do get a fantastic deal.
All in all Battlefield 1943 is a must buy for all fans of FPS games.