Balloon bouncing bad announcing cloud walking poor gunplay action!

User Rating: 5.8 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat X360
Lets face it, they just don't make balloon bouncing bad announcing cloud walking poor gunplay action games like they used to. Anyway, like you can well imagine, I'm not very fond of this game. It's OKAY, if you use that word very loosely, so loosely in fact, that is would be so hard to read the word OKAY, that is might end up looking like CRAPPY. So in otherwords, when I say the game is OKAY, I'm basicly saying that the game is CRAPPY. I mean, I like poor action annoying announcing wall bouncing cloud walking jaggy shadow viewing repetitive guns and unrealistic physics gameplay as much as the next guy (which according to the other reviews, is pretty much everybody), but I honestly think this game is "OKAY" if you know what I mean. I'm sure this next comment is going to make a lot of you mad because most battlefield players hate halo, but I think that anyone who's played halo for more than 6 months knows a good multiplayer game when they see it. Like Counter-Strike. And trust me, this is no CS or Halo. I mean, the Battlefield for the PC is relatively fun, but this one, uh-uh, not buying it. So, anyway, it's not many time you come across a game with such a bad multiplayer, even though thats what it's based around. But the funny think is, that most of the other ones are also on the 360 as well. If I have to here "They've captured flag/base one!" EVER again, I'm going to kill myself. Also, may this last comment show you how bad this game is. EA SERVERS. EA servers should be enough to show you the light. I hope you make the right choice. Have fun anyway......but just remember, EA servers are the worst servers ever made.