Counter-Strike Meet EA...EA Meet Counter-Strike...*sigh*
The gameplay can be felt and described as both action packed, relying on heavy weaponry combat at stake combined with fast paced vehicular assault and thrown into the mix some competitive measures such as upgrading characters, modding armor and weapons, and so on and so forth. One can utterly get lost in the multiplayer aspect of this game as trying to rank up works fantastically combined with outstanding graphics for its time.
Which brings me to my next praise. The graphics are pretty well balanced and enjoyable to look at as you proceed in your quest for domination of the battlefield. The 360 promotes nice textures on the weapons and vehicles alike for it to still be enjoyed as time progresses.
The sound of your arsenal is well on par with this day and age in modern technological warfare. The vibrating of the controller when you unleash an array of M4 bullets isn't half bad as well as the sound of a chopper overhead circling your enemies position.
Not as fast paced as Counter-Strike, but it is indeed do-able and tends to hold its own. The button orientation may take some getting used to at first, but afterwards you'll feel like you're playing Counter-Strike and/or any other FPS in the past.
Battlefield 2 is an outstanding multiplayer game to not be misunderstood by its lack of story. Although it tries to seemingly impress in the single player mode, it nevertheless comes up more than short. The real gruff of this game is in the multiplayer. Large team based, ticket taking, coordination between a 16 player fray multiplayer action. If you enjoy multiplayer FPS games with room for advancement in rank then Battlefield 2 will prove worthy.