the odd feeling of change

User Rating: 8.4 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat PS2
when i first boted up the game i was rather shocked. i have been a big fan from all of the battlefield games and i was excited to finally play it without any bugs or lag. the only problem is that it is no longer the same game though. it is like youre best mate suddenly coming in wearing leather and listening to rammstein. you dont know whether to greet him with open arms or slowly and cauciously show him through the back door. well these are the shocking diffrences.

for one thing there are no longer "tickets" but a sort of power meter.

instead of picking a class you have to "hotswap" with another player if you need a certain class eg. i could change from an assault rifle man to an engineer in the heat of combat

there are no flags either but just areas which you have to defend

there are also a few stupid mistakes and bugs as well including the fact that men just seem to drop from the sky in any old place meaning that just when you had repelled the enemy force yet more men somehow pop up from nowhere and murder you. all in all though i just could not hate the game! from the addictive mayhem of the single player campaighn. to the fact that you just want to play it one more time to get that important upgrade.
this game nomater what gives must casual shooters a run for its money and is one of the best shooter ive played all year.