a big waste of 50$ i am so stupid... Battlefield Modern combat Is MissionField borring game so read my revew of this BS
i was expexting a battlefield not a missionfield no skirmish or instant action mode in modern combat...
battle field is suposed to be a 90% interacable inviroment such as operating vehicles, turrets and healing any of your troops ex.(the remeaning 10% is full disrtuction of the land scape) look at the PC you can fully operate 12 gun battle ships, bombers and much more!!!!! which is F***ing awsome but in (Mission)field you cant even fly a plane... in Battlefield theres spawn points for constant vehicles and infantry!!!! but in (mission)field your restricted to about 3 vehicles and 10 men... In battlefield theres a more flexable campain such as folowing major objecives like capuring an artilery battery then useing it or capturing an airfeld to get air support!!!!!!!!!!! but in (mission)field you have to folow it exactily IE mission objectives and other bull crap such as desroying one tank... so id hevely sugest buying the PCs battlefelds listed bellow and i also listed there current price.
battlefield 1942=WW2-Axis Vs Allies (10$) good game good deal
battlefield vietnam=vietnam war-NVA vs SVA&US (30$) ok game
battlefield 2= WW3-Allies Vs Terrist and other armys (50$) LMAO SWEET
battlefield 2142=Ice Age War-European Union Vs Pan Asian Coalition (not relesed yet) but it will probily be sweet.