This is for all those who couldnt afford a good PC.
The other side to it was that it just wasnt battlefield 2. Now I had never played BF2 at this point but had seen every Machinima on youtube and wanted a slice of the action, but I had a PS2. So I got this thinking it was the same only to be let down and dissapointed.
The story line for the missions was confusing but I didnt care, I had a gun and I was shooting the bad guys while being told how awesome I was by the in-game com's guy.
The multiplayer was a diffrent story. Basically it was whoever got the APC first survived the longest as they could shoot down helicopters, kill infantry easily and take down tanks with a bit of quick shooting and even quicker fleeing. The most played map was 'backstab' in which the MEC fought the USMC for a small town on a river, this had two main flags. The mosque and the town hall which both overlook a river and a square in which you were most likley to be killed in some manner by any number of things.
It was frustrating at the time but now I look back to those long evenings after school listening to Radio 1 and drinking 4 or 5 cups of tea, I realised that it was really a great game for me and the many who couldnt or didnt get Battlefield 2 for the PC.