What your looking for.. if your looking for it that is.
Online is fun having 24 players is a blast and the online community seems to be really good, minus some team killing and people randomly crashing vehicles but thats just common with all online games you will just get those people. Online play has conquest, where you take certain points on the map like starwars battlefront. and then capture the flag. those are the only 2 modes, it kinda runs the game high and dry after lengthy time playing where you get bored and wishing there was more to do, but as long as you have a healthy friends list and people to chat to over online it will remain fun for a long time.
Voice chat on the Ps2 version has its ups and downs, you can join games where you wont be able to chat at all, and other games where you can chat but it constantly cuts out, and when you try to listen to others theres will cut out sometimes also. Lag on the other hand, its really good there isn't too much of it, if you do lag its usualy your own connection rather then the server.
Glitching... what glitching? so far ive noticed no glitches in this game, ive heard there were some but never seen them, so they might be there but are rare and you need to really look to find them.
5 classes all seem really balanced and all have there own weapons, i hate the sniper class though they really are over used and special ops that contain the smg is overused but its part of the game.
The medal system is neat and the rank system keeps you playing to get medals but be warned they are a pain to get, it isnt everyones cup of tea but if you try hard you will definetly feel well rewarded.
All in All battlefield 2 : modern combat is a fairly good game, while not for everyone if you like modern wargames with a decent to good online play and a fairly good community you should pick this up or if not rent it and have a final say.