This game is great over Xbox live.

User Rating: 7.5 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat X360
The story isnt complete garbage but beating missions will take time. The friendly AI are completely usless in almost everyway and they die within seconds of the mission start.

I must dissagree with gamespot on the shooting feels like an arcady type gallery. i dissagree 100%. This is pretty solid shooter.

I do agree that the vehicles are very clumsy and they do not control well but the firepower makes up. Vehicles sound authentic and they are very nice looking

The graphics are very polished and look great.

My favorite part about the single player mode is the hot swapping because it is very useful and it looks cool.

This game over xbox live is where the game really shines, because it is very easy to kill someone and the variety of character classes are very unique. Team killing is an issue though and sometimes somebody can team kill the whole game and not get booted unless the people who died agreed to vote to boot.

Guns are awsome, vehicles are awsome, game is rubbish (kinda)