Good game with some cool features 8/10
For a 2005 game on the PS2 it was really very good.
The weapons are awesome, the maps are awesome, the vehicles are awesome =]
And one of my fave parts of the game was HotSwapping (snap to another person on your team instantly) and while it does the HotSwap it has the camera speeding to the other guy AWESOME!
The gameplay is just right for fans of FPS and the voice acting is superb.
Theres just nothing bad i can say about this game...
Well maybe one thing.. the driving can Sometimes be a little tricky and it may take a while to get used to but other than that it's a great game that everyone can enjoy.
There are ranks you can unlock (first being Private) as you progress through the game, the better you do in a level the more you rank up.
Overall Excellent Game, Well Done EA Games.