Very good game. Very fun to play online even with lowest settings and the killing is very broad in the game.
The problem though is that the game has many problems with the squad system which is supposed to make the game more difficult to win against another team. It does but very rarely at times because many of your squad members will only join to be able to spawn in a random place they're aiming to get to more easily. Many also will kick u from their squad just because they have a buddy place in the squad being reserved, because u start out as a private ( which they automatically think you're a noob, which automatically makes u unwanted), because you don't have a mic or just because they just dont like u for no reason. The guns are very varied and so is the strategy. When i play usually i go for destroying the enemies artillery first then radar and scan to dramatically help my team win. I also hear many people on other forums that complain about artillery and even in the game, yet it never comes to their mind that they themselves can destroy that stuff. They usually just play the game as usual and keep complaining about arty as if they expect someone else to do the more boring work yet more effective. The vehicles are very fun to play with but are often overused to wear it can make u start cussing at the enemy because he along with others everywhere are camping. The leader commands are great, especially the arty, yet sometimes your team won't even listen to your requests for arty repairs or they think u suck yet they dont think that just maybe you've lost some of your commands. But even so, most likely they'll complain and not even think about helping you in giving out commands. The text on the screen put out to teamates is also ignored or the players are completely blind when you say " I need two or three people to fix my arty, scan, and radar." Overall it's very enjoyable but the communication between players and selfishness is very high, making the score a 9/10.