Buying this game at this point in time is not suggested! You have many options to look into first.
If you manage to get around the glitches of the game, you will run into many maps with the commander spamming you with warnings that irritated me quickly. Yes, you can simply move to another map, but I found that it was more common than not.
I like the ranking system where you progress. The downside is most players are senior officers and you are owned through most of the process starting as a private. This is a team based game and few want to work with new guy/noob. Expect to play alone a lot.
It is likely you are playing this, because you do have a less than perfect system. You should be playing the smaller teams and maps if your graphics are not to standard, but most of the players are not there. I am willing to bet the number of players will dwindle as time goes on too. You can play offline, but that is not where you want to be with this game!
The graphics are decent for the time. I like how you can switch skills and/or squads prior to spawn. You have access to all the vehicles right away. Good or bad, you are able to shoot your ally or wreck his vehicle with no repercussions other than likely being booted from the server.
Play For Free is a hybrid micro version of this. PFF is great as you have the option to pay for upgrades or boosts. PFF is always adding maps and updating. I enjoyed how you can't be injured directly by allies on PFF! PFF is browser based and is not demanding on graphics to play.
I got these when Battlefield 3 was in beta. BF3 blows BF2 out of the water. The problem is the graphics are for higher end computers. You better have a decent computer or you will have lag and it will not glow as intended. My suggestion is to buy games that fit your operating system and as new as possible or you are gambling with outdated programming that doesn't have support or new fixes.