An incredibly intense, immersive and just plain fun tactical shooter.
User Rating: 9.7 | Battlefield 2 PC
You sprint as fast as you can towards the small building only afew meters away, the sound of the gravel beneath your feet, the pounding of your heart, and the loud blasts of the weapon being fired at you. You dive without a second to lose as a rocket screams by your head, roaring with ferocious intent, and you have to hump it the rest of the way. You make it, and lean to the left, opening fire on the enemy, and then "click, click". You've run out of bullets. You frantically reload and you see one of your squadmates running towards you for cover, but only a scant few inches away from you, he gets mowed down by enemy fire. The "thump, thump" of explosions around you leaves a loud ringing in your ears and your vision blurs. You've finished reloading, and gun down your enemy, when a tank comes around the corner. You double back around the building and attempt to flank it with your grenades, but its too late, because its already seen you. It unloads its machine gun at you, and pieces of hot lead fly everywhere. In desperation, you duck behind a bush, just as an artillery strike comes inbound toward your position. "WHAM!" a gigantic explosion lands less than 4 feet away from you, the shock shaking your teeth and making your nose bleed, and soot and grime fly into your eyes, as the guy right next to you is blown to pieces while you survive. The explosions cease, and you see the remainder of your squad holding the hill, which is vital so the enemy doesn't gain access to the main city. You join them and together drive back the invaders, your victory short-lived because you know reinforcements are already on their way and you'll have to fight again soon. That is battlefield 2 at its best. My only gripes with this game are: long loading times, a very poorly designed server browser, and the physics can be pretty weird at points. But thats it. Once you start playing this game, you don't want to stop for hours and hours. I could go on and on with this review, but ive got some Battlefield 2 to get back to! LATER!