battlefield 2 is the best game i have ever played

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 2 PC
This the best battlefield game i have ever played i would recommend it for all because this game not just FPS its everything, you fly you can play while in armer ....etc.

Recently most players facing problems with the stats update including points medals , awards ..etc , the mode of the BF2 to keep you playing are those awards and Ranks , as the game it self is fun but the awards and points will keep you going on, i would recommend for the players who owns BF2 to play on this server ( ) also you search for this server while the game running by typing ( Moon ) in the search space for the multi player, i mostly play strike at karkand on the moon server, as its the best server i have ever played on because of all types of players experience there but mostly they are professionals, so give it a try.