User Rating: 10 | Battlefield 2 PC
This game is a great addition to the FPS genre. It's gameplay is like most others in the series. Simply you will spawn at a base (there is only one at the start for some courses) and try to capture all the bases or reduce your opponents ticket count to 0. Some courses, such as Strike at Karkand, have a base that cannot be captured (or lost, depending on which team you're using). If you get killed, you'll simply lose a "ticket" for your team. There are seven different kits- Spec Ops, Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Support, Medic, and Anti-Tank. Each kit is good for different situations.

The graphics and sound are definitely not lacking. The graphics were very upgraded from the previous version, 1942, with things such as character detail, cracks and chips in cement, excellent lighting, etc. The sound is also very realistic, with many phrases (probably between 100-200 with just the Americans), things such as starting up motors and brass shells from bullets hitting the ground, and great music (though there are only like 5 songs).

The difficulty is probably not for someone who's new the the FPS games, though the easy difficulty might be a good start, with the fact that the AI practically can't hit you from 2 feet away sometimes. Veteran will prove to be tougher and Expert is, without a doubt, not for beginners. If you've never played an FPS game before do not start at that level as the AI is very quick, accurate, and rapid in their fire.

Overall, the game is very good. The only complaints I have is that loading a map can sometimes take from 15-30min. And also, the game tends to run a bit choppy at the start of a map, though this might be because my computer isn't the top of the gaming comps. I would definitely suggest buying this game, and for those of you who don't like blood or cussing, there is NONE! In online play you might experience some swear words (though I've never played online, my brother has), but there are family-friendly servers that you could play on that will ban anyone who swears.