Battlefield 1942 gets its official sequel, and BF2 is just as good, or even better than the WW2 classic.
User Rating: 9.3 | Battlefield 2 PC
The graphics in Battlefield 2 are great. The animations looks awesome, and I especially like seing the character animations when someone gets killed. The environments are huge, so together with some very nice graphics this meens you ought to have a state of art computer to really see those nice graphics. The overall sounds in BF2 is top notch realistic. The game doesn't feature a lot of music except on the menu and during the loading. The music during the loading is a recreation of the very cool soundtrack from Battlefield 1942. The music is very cool, and surprisingly enough not as partiotic as you might expect. The sound effects are extremely good, and comes in huge numbers during the fire fights. Battlefield 1942 had a fantastic gameplay, and gamers has been enjoying it for several years now. Battlefield 2 has much the same charm as the first game, but there are a couple of new features here that really shines. The fact that the game is set into present time is very cool, cause we've all played all of those WW2 games now and we're getting pretty tired of those dated weapons. Like in BF1942 you get to choose different teams of course, though this time you get to choose from USA, China and Iraq/Iran. Some all new things in BF2 are the squads and commander. You now get to join squads as either a member or leader. As a member you get orders to for example attack a position or defend a position. As a leader you give these orders. This squad thing works very well cause the leader has voice communication with the boss (commander) who sees the whole battlefield in strategy view, so he knows a lot more than the ordinary members do. The commander is in the battlefield too, but he can always look in strategy view to spot enemy vehicles or troops. The commander can drop artillary strikes, supply boxes and so on. These new features makes the whole game more based on team work, which is great, cause that's what it's all about. The whole game is so much fun I was in near shock the first time playing it. When you take control over a helicopter or air-plane for the first time, it's really hard to control them, but after playing for a couple of hours you seem to be getting the hang of it. I've been airborn for several hours and I don't even care if I don't hit a single enemy, cause I'm having a jolly good time. One other thing that's very cool is the new profile. Your profile records a lot of stats, but most important of all makes you able to earn awards. The award system is actually one of the best new features in the game, cause now you really wan't to play alot just to earn new medals, badges and ribbons. You also get new ranks after playing some time. You start out as a Private, and later on you get promoted to Private First Class and so on. The ones with higher ranks has an advantage when applying as commander and so on. And because dice loves us so much, they've even included unlockable weapons. When you've earned enough points you get to choose between several new weapons (one for each different kit) and unlock one. The new weapons are more accurate and has more fire power than the ordinary ones, so it's really worth unlocking them. Battlefield 2 is amazing, and I'm not even a fan of online gaming, but I've been playing this game all the time. This game is so much fun, you should really buy it! + The graphics are great. The environments are so huge and well designed you never get tired of them even though there are only 10 maps. The different kits are very well balanced and you'll certainly find yourself a favorite. The new squads are awesome, and being commander is ace. The sounds are very realistic, and the music is cool. The game is super duper entertaining! - I don't know!!