BF2 A Multi-Player Dream?

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 2 PC
You know when I first picked up BF2 I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I was somewhat impressed as I had spent a few hours playing the demo before actually aquiring the game itself.

Now I was looking for a game for its multi-player capabilities, not the single-player mode so I barely enough touched the single player campaigns at all. The gameplay for BF2 was astounding to me. The netcode and reaction time/hit boxes, everything I had grownt o hate about an FPS since the release of CS:Source was all taken back when playing BF2. I had been used to CS 1.6 and other HL FPS games. While change is nice, I just wasn't happy with the aspects of CSS so I was looking for something better and I think I have found it.

BF2 is good for any gaming level. If you're new to an FPS or you're a seasoned veteran of them, it's a great game to keep you hooked in for hours on end. The fact thata round doesn't last for 15 mins (it can, but not likely) and lasts for more around an horu on alot of servers, makes gameplay wonderfula nd you actually feel the whole teamwork aspect of it alot of times. Having a commander and Squad leaders, having several different tactics to yor advantage, including Artillary and Fighter Jets/Choppers. It's the all in 1 FPS we have been waiting for for years.

I definately recommend it to anyone who has yet to play it. With the release of BF2142 it's going to be interesting to see how well they can improve on something so great already!