Battlfield 2 is an amazingly addictive game. I have played it for about 25 hours now and i still want to keep going!
First lets talk about the game play in general. There is no story to Battlefield 2 {which from here on I will call BF2}. This might be a let down for some people but you wont miss hearing about how the Chinese decided to attack America or how the middle east decided to join forces its just not that important. But before I go into how you play the game if you think you can enjoy this game with just the single player stop right now and forget it. The single player stinks its just fighting 16 retarted AI bots that constantly run over you with vehicles. Now about the core of the game MULTIPLAYER. There is only one type of game mode conquest, in conquest you must capture the opposing teams flag, which are also spawn points. The more flags your team has the faster the opposing team lose tickets or how many times the opposing team players can spawn.
Now lets talk about the vehicles. There are 10 vehicles that you can operate which equals 30 because each country vehicles are somewhat different. The vehicles controls are pretty simple W goes forward A and D turn and S goes backward. The mouse is free look for all vehicles except for planes and helicopters, which act like a joystick. The only problem I had with the controls is flying planes is too hard with the mouse so I changed it to my joystick. There are 4 classes of vehicle armor, transport, helicopter, and plane. Armor has APC's, tanks, and AA vehicles. Transport has dune buggy’s, humvees, and transport boats. Helicopter has transport choppers, and attack choppers. Plane has fighters, and two seater bombers. All the vehicles are pretty balanced the armor is weak to planes and helo's but strong to transport and other armor. Planes are weak to AA but strong against Helo's. This is kind of the system for BF2 and it works there is no overpowering vehicle except the transport chopper but the new 1.03 patch takes care of that
BF2 is more than just vehicle VS vehicle there is the infantry that you spawn as. There are 7 classes of infantry; Anti tank, medic, engineer, support, assault, sniper, and Special Forces. The ground forces are really the main part of the game you will chose what class you want to be at the start of every round and can change if necessary. Most people will chose a class based on their personality and stick with that class personally I like the support class. Infantry to infantry fighting can be quite fun the aiming system like most First Person Shooters is the cone of uncertainty which means the tighter the cross hairs are the more accurate the weapon is. This system is good for most guns but for the support and engineer classes the guns are very inaccurate but this systems evens the classes because who wants to be mowed down by the worlds most accurate 50. Cal heavy machine gun. There is no blood in BF2 so parents shouldn’t be afraid of that. Another cool thing you can do is form squads were some one is the squad leader and gives orders to team members. Another cool thing the game does is keeps track of your score and when you have enough points you will be promoted to a new rank in which you can unlock new weapons and awards.
Now for the technical stuff first the graphics. The graphics on this game are amazing the intro movie when start is actual game play if you turn all effects and shaders on high but sadly most wont be able to enjoy the full graphics. The reason for this is if don have the latest graphic cards your computer wont be able to process the graphics, I have a brand knew dell and I still cant put the graphics on high. Now the sound the sound on this game is pretty good but some of the guns and hydraulics for vehicles don’t sound right but the cool thing you can do is live chat with a mic to your teammates. When you finally take a flag using the mic to coordinate an air strike and ground assault the feeling you get is awesome. Now you must I mean MUST have a good internet connection n order to enjoy BF2 I mean like DSL or broadband because you have to have a fast connection to play multiplayer dial up modems wont be able to handle this big boy
In conclusion I have given BF2 a score of 9.4 the balancing of infantry weapons was my only complaint if you like infantry/vehicle combat or just want a fun multiplayer experience then I highly recommend BF2. My screen name is Lt.dan_1972 I usually play on gamecenter servers so if you ever see give me a shout out. LT.DAN OVER AND OUT!