Battlefield 2 does everything decent and nothing particularly well, making it just another average shooter on my shelf.

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 2 PC
For gameplay, the infantry combat and movement, while much improved, is still simplistic and inferior to games like Call Of Duty. The maps are large and much of the combat, therefore, is focused on vehicles, which have pretty good gameplay, excluding planes, which are horrid and should never have been put in the game. Not only are they the cause of many a teamkill, be it by bombing, or by plane campers, but they are also just so unrealistic that they aren't fun. Tanks and helicopters are nice, but the gunner seat in the attack chopper is overpowered. Infantry combat, as stated, has been improved, but what irks me is how unrealistic it is. I'm not lying to you when I tell you that it takes 6 shots with the M16 to kill somebody, in the stomach area, and 3 with the semi-automatic sniper rifle. The snipers are shaky when it comes to accuracy as well, which is a blow considering it takes 2-3 shots to kill unless it is a headshot. And the shellshock effect on explosions is horribly implemented. Its realistic for it to last even minutes, but for a game's sake, just cut it down to 5 seconds of dizziness, and don't make it feel exactly like lag, it should feel like shellshock. The screen should blur and shake.

The graphics are fantastic. On one condition. That you have them on high. But because of the requirements on this game, high is not an option for many gamers, and the graphics look like dirt on low when you compare the two. As they say, graphics are only as good as your video card, and that is certainly the case with this game, but since low is so much worse than high, points have been deducted.

The sound in this game is decent, average in all respects. The gunshots sound semi-realistic, making a popping noise rather than a bang, but then you still get the pistols that sound like a spitball rather that a bullet when you fire them. The vehicle sounds are decent, and the voices are ok. The problem is that the sound does nothing to truely immerse you in the experience. The sounds just seem very quiet, with the exception of explosions. Once again, look at Call of Duty. The sounds in the single player and multiplayer are just so intense and so amazing that they just get you into the experience and give you sweaty palms from excitement. Battlefield 2 should take a hint from this.

Some things that are missing:

A proper single player - In single player I don't want multiplayer with braindead bots, I want a story and immersive combat with objectives.

Some key Multiplayer features - A friends list, for example.

Maps - There are only 13 of them and they do get old very quickly.

The ability to lean - How hard can it be to implement? Its not a farfetched thing to ask for.

A decent community - I have played this game for many hours, and one of the main reasons I stopped playing was because of the sheer amount of smacktards and idiots playing it. I'm talkin bunnyhoppers, grenade launcher noobs who can't use guns, people who only use rocket launchers, vehicle campers, teamkillers, commanders who don't command unless they need a supply crate or if they want to artillery somebody who killed them, people who camp when they are the last person left when all flags are gone, prolonging the end while not trying to take a flag, the list goes on.

Now, this is not to say that it is a terrible game, there is a lot of fun to be had if you get a good squad going, but that happens so rarely that I can't say much for it.