User Rating: 9.4 | Battlefield 2 PC
This game is soooooo dam AMAZING.i love the huge new battles with an highly extended player limit.

GENRAL:if you have ever played a battlefield game then think you u know what to expect,but this time around take that thought and kill it,then burn it,then back up on it. this is nothing like 1942 or vietnam.this thing is a beast! with the create a charachter on ea's online,amazing new graphics,sound,and gameplay.

GRAPHICS:one word for these HOLY S^%#. this game even blows away other games graphics by a mile,and including the GIANT amount of players it can have running on one server,this is pure bliss.the downside is it requires pretty high system specs and a lot of ghz.But if u upgraded for games like HL@ and doom 3 you should be fine.

SOUND:these sounds are really nice crisp and clean.with so many people playing and so many shots flying past youre head and the sound of a bullet from a sniper hitting the corner right in front of you is actually music is nice but nothing to write home about but mainly only being on the menu's makes it very ignorable.

GAMEPLAY:well if you like you and a squad of over 32 people charging into a raging battle with gunshots and artillery hittng hard on the buildings,ground,walls right next to you and like the fact that its all so very realistic.then this game is for you! almost never do you find youreself alone in the better servers.and with all the new genral and squad leader features,this game provides one immersive as hell experience,literally putting you RIGHT IN THE BATTLE!

VALUE: I dont know if i will ever get bored of this game....period...this game will fill me up till the next BF game(or the new expansion pack coming soon enough)

great game..if u have the pc to run it GO OUT TO BUY IT NOW!!!!!!