while i personally didnt think this would be good it turned out near perfect, if you a fan of shooters at all, buy now!

User Rating: 9.3 | Battlefield 2 PC
battlefield is the latest in the series and has a bit of bean there and done it, but really changes the formula set down by its preddecessors by adding changes liek squads and the commander role, while it was a little rough without the patches with things like you didnt get points for things such as blowing up 3 tanks crouded with 6 people in them, even though it was cool i didnt get anything for it even though the latest version changes that. the olny bad parts is that voice chat while cool can also be annoying and the quick chat menu does just fineand also eveything else though works fine, even though there could be more bots in single player. if you want a good singleplayer experience run far away from this game, if you want a multiplayer experience hug it as though it were your children or child. overall it improves on a formula that didnt need much change at all.