This game is just purely amazing. With so many people to play as, Im sure you'll find the right class for you.

User Rating: 9.8 | Battlefield 2 PC
This game blew me away. I know, some of my other reviews have been bad(PGR3, PDZ, and DOOM) but MAN this game roxorz.
Gameplay: Awesome. I liked the idea of spawn points and capturing them and stuff, especially in Star Wars BF(1 and 2) so I knew this game would be good.Graphics are amazing for a game of its kind.. I spose it would look better ion my computer if I had a better graphics card ( somehow my ATI X300 works :P)
Sound? really good. Its funny to shoot someone to death and here MEDIC! or the sound ofa missile from a tank. Value? for 39.99 CDN, HELLZ YEAH! this game is SO good.
There are a fwe bad things rthough. I havent found any glitches, but as always, tere are some really annoying people and cheaters. People say the finding of servers is bad, but when there are almost 400 servers (with my restrictions on), its hard t make a good chooser! just find a good one and stuick with it, add it too yuor faves.
Anywho, this game was awesomeazing. Go out and buy it NOW! and if you get pwned by Masjo16, youll know it was me ;)