Battlefield 2 : Special Forces is one great expansion pack but has some negative aspects in the game !!
Some day maps were great, like the one with russian and british sas. All details really amazed me. I also think it would be better to add more different weapons to russian, rebels, and insurgents because they all have the same weapons. I dont understand what was the point of them if you can just play with MEC or CHINA's people soldiers. But I really liked voices and sounds, especially russian voice and i really understood them because i speak russian.
I also wanted to see some desert maps, because there too many city maps. It would be better if EA made more environment maps like jungles or deserts like in Battlefield 1942.
Overall I liked the expansion pack very much, but it could be better. I think if EA releases a patch (not like 1.12) to add more stuff to expansion pack.