with offline its mediocre, pushing alright. but online, your in a whole new world

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 2 PC
when i first bought this i didnt have internet with gaming capability so i played offline agianst the AI, which to be frank, was crap. the cheat to get all the unlocks (with original,unpatched version of game only) was a really good way of deciding which unlock to get first and then i got online finally. at first, trawling through the hundreds of servers might seem duanting, but after a while of playing round with the filters i found my first match. as what seems to be the norm, it was on a karkland 32 player map and what i first realised is that you get a completely different experience from playing with people. firstly, if you are the tactally minded, you'll expect the opposition to flank as much as possible, unlike the AI with follows certian paths (most of them direct) and this keeps you on your guard at all times. the maps are huge on 64 player. it took me a whole 5 minutes in a jeep to get to the other side of stalemate (probably from the fact i was being shot at most of the time) and thats not the biggest map.
the weapons on the game are good, they feel like weapons and not a visual representation of one.
now, unlocks.
the older version of the game only had one unlock from each kit.
the newer version has two for each kit.
as ive got both sniper unlocks now i can say that the second group of unlocks are way better. the DAO (auto shotgun) for the anti tank was good, but the MP7 that you get now is fabulous!
but, there are problems.
as soon as you buy the game you are forced to sit at your PC for about 2 hours downloading patches for the game for it to be even playable. then you have to have the latest patch always or you'll never find any servers with the same patch version as you.
and the game is hit and miss. ive had no problems so far but ive heard alot of, and i mean alot of, people saying they've found bugs and glitches all over the place.
even in the latest patch, there are still bugs. DICE (the makers of the game) dont seem to understand the nature of fixing stuff. they fix one or two bugs, but in so doing they create more which gives them and us more work to do.
but, in the end, this will always be a great online game, and that the never ending happiness from knife-ing someone in the face for the first time will be with you forever.
and the difficulty setting is invalid for this game. the hardness depends on what sort of player you are. hardcore gamers will see almost no hardness whereas newbies to the game will be slaughtered. dont worry though, everyone has to start somewhere. practise, thats the key!