WOW this game is awsome. I highly recommend it.
User Rating: 9.6 | Battlefield 2: Special Forces PC
This expansion rules. I was lucky enough not to be troubled by the glitches some people have installing it. It's so much fun launching a tear gas canister into a room then diving in as a support guy and gunning three people down. Zip lines and grappling hooks are awesome. I don't like the flash bangs though. I think they blind you for to long and even if you aren't looking at it you still get the full blast. Other then that it's great. The night levels are sweet especially Devils Perch. The Iron Gator is sweet. I love sitting in the boatlaunch as support and gun down people by the dozen as they cruis in on jet ski's and in boats. You can get a lot of resupply point in there because other people sit in there to so you thow ammo all around constantly and after a boat comes in everyone reloads and you get four or five resupply points. Just repeat this process and you can get like 40 resupply points in one level.