This game is is relentless to quit on and a huge step forward in the Battlefield series.
User Rating: 8.9 | Battlefield 2 PC
Battlefield 2 is an awesome game that delivers shattering effects and effective gameplay. The sound is incredible in every way the game provides it. The amount of weapons is almost countless and the ways on how to use them on enemies is outstandingly superb. These weapons include rocket launchers, assault rifles, sniper rifles, pistols and so on. This ranges from launching artillery strikes at bases (strongest attack) to knifing your opponents on foot (weakest attack). There are plenty of useable vehicles in Battlefield 2 and there are varieties for vehicles depending on which side you play on. Humvees, helicopters, fighter jets, and tanks are to name a few of the vehicles. If a few tweaks were applied, this game would be extremely solid. The Gameplay in Battlefield 2 is very good. The controls might take some time to get used to but once the player gets the hang of them, it is very entertaining. Sniper rifles are easy to use, all it takes is a right click of the mouse to get your solider staring inside the scope. There is, however, a lack of realism in this game. There is no pulse when you use the sniper rifle and it makes it very, very easy to snipe someone. It's awesome for single player mode but it's just brutal online. In the single player mode, there's a variety of maps to choose from. You will basically try to get all of your opponents' control points and tear down their tickets. Creating or joining up a squad can determine whether you win the battle or not. You can even be a commander of the battle you are fighting but that can be a big responsibility. If you choose to create a squad, you can invite other soldiers of other squads and they will fight alongside your team. Choosing a squad is easy, all you do is click the join button on a squad and there you go. All you really do in a squad is follow orders and hope you win the fight. There are lots of options for the commander; this can be hard and confusing at first, but it gets easier the more you play it. Some of the things commanders can do are issue commands for all the squads on your side of the battle. These include defending control points or attacking control points. Scanning the map is another feature of the commander's ability. This will locate enemies for you on your map; this is how you set up ambushes and attacks. Calling in artillery strikes could be a life saver if you're being over-run. The commander has a lot of other capabilities in this game that the player is likely to enjoy. As for the other weapons, the all have their strengths and weaknesses. There are weapon kits to choose from. There's the Special Forces Kit which includes an assault rifle and some sort of special explosives. Secondly, there's the Sniper Kit, which obviously contains the sniper. Next there's the Assault Kit, this will include an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment or something. There's the Support Kit that's used for suppressing the enemy; this kit has the heavy machine gun. There is also the Engineer kit that's used for repairs on vehicles or certain structures. Lastly there's the Anti-tank kit. This kit has the rocket launcher that can be used on anything. It certainly won't kill anything in one hit but it is useful. To continue on with the lack of realism, the enemies don't die that easily. They will keep fighting until you finally kill them or until they kill you. You would think that when you bag someone with a powerful sniper or a 50. Caliber machine gun, they would drop dead. This dosen't happen here, these enemies are punishing healthwise. There are three difficulty modes and easiest is the way to go for the starters. The enemies are forgiving and they don't fight at their full amount. It gets harder as the difficulties rise. The gameplay in Battlefield 2 is great, but there are a few problems with it and they can be fixed. Also, If you get critically wounded, a medic can heal you, but you'll be lucky if you do get healed. The graphics in Battlefield 2 are superb. There are beautiful environments alongside with sharp looking scenery. The character models look very well done and you can somewhat tell what kind of kit they have by looking at them. The vehicles look awesome and so do the gun models. There is even some destructable environment effects and those are very cool. The maps look great, and the destroyed cities are very neat. The player cannot go wrong with the graphics in Battlefield 2.
The mutliplayer in this game is just awesome. There is up to 64 players in online modern-warfare combat and it's like actual war. This game is even better if the player gets a headset to communicate with other people. There is a little big of lagging which can piss people off but if you let it go, you can have an enjoyable online experience in Battlefield 2. There are plenty of game modes and there are lots of medals to be collected. There are also many awards to be won. You cannot go wrong with the online multiplayer for this game.
The sound in this game is brilliant. The gunshots sound wicked and it definatly goes with the gameplay. The sniper shots sound the best, all you hear is the loud bang of your sniper and it makes you feel good when you drop an enemy with it. The vehicle motors sound awesome and the players communicating offline sound excellent. The jet engines roar is awesome with the helicopter's blades ripping through the air. The sound is perfect for a game like this.
Overall, Battlefield 2 is an awesome modern shooter that shouldn't be missed by any means. There's great gameplay, superb graphics, and awesome sound. The game has a lot of value to is as well, so if you get a chance, go grab this game because it is definatly worth your time and you will have many hours put into this game.