The Best, Totally worth the money

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield 2: Special Forces PC
I have to say its the best online game ever made... for starters you can use microphones on it as well as text to communicate with friends.
It has great graphics, but you can change how good you want the graphics to turn out so you can get a fast game.
Make sure you have a good computer and a good internet conection, and try find servers that are in your country so your ping wont be high.

Basicy there isnt really any big glitchs.
And if you are in a locall serva u dont really get any lagg.
With this expansion it adds on some great tools like flash bangs and zip lines and also brings some new ranks and unlocks.

A question that is asked alot is can you use the new weapons in the normal battlefield and the answer is yes