A complete waste of money!

User Rating: 3 | Battlefield 2 PC
This game is basically designed for those who play shooters exlusively. Unless you have spent the last few years playing Quake, Unreal, Counter-Strike and Half-Life for SEVERAL hours a day, your experience with Battlefield 2 will go something like this;

*spawn* Ok, lemme peek around the wall- DEAD.
*spawn* Hmm, ok...I'll try to leg it to that jeep- DEAD.
*spawn* AHA!! He has his back turned to me, I'll just- DEAD.
*spawn* Didn't I just shoot him point-black with a .50 cali- DEAD.
*spawn* DEAD.
*spawn* DEAD.
*spawn* DEAD.
"Are you sure you want to quit?"

This game cost me 70 dollars Cdn, and I am sitting here literally boiling with rage at the sheer waste of it. "A must-have for anyone that enjoys PC gaming"? I've never gotten this frustrated this fast with any game. Fantastic graphics and great sound mated to absolute garbage gameplay. I'll say it again; unless you're already GODLY when it comes to shooters, *** AVOID THIS GAME ***. You WILL NOT have the opportunity to improve; you'll simple be a convenient target for those who've been playing for years.