Great Game! A must buy! Despite other reviews, I have not found many glitches in this game.
Back to the game review. This game is AMAZING! The addition of night combat makes the game significantly better. More vechicles = more fun. Especially the ATV's and Jetski's. The game also has a much larger focus on infantry combat, with as far as I know no planes whatsoever in maps. The weapons are significantly better as well, though this causes a problem making the unlocks not as good for the original bf2. Another great thing is that once you have SF, you can unlock SF weapons to use in regular bf2 servers. The addition of the zipline and grappling hook make the game significantly better as well, because you can get places faster and it gives you better position to attack or snipe.
Pros: 6 new sides, loads of new weapons, new vehicles, 8 new maps, night combat, grappling hook, zip line, the maps are made so that grappling hooks and zip lines are useful versus pointless, more focus on infantry combat.
Cons: Those Airplane fanatics from bf2 will not be as much a fan of this game(I personally think they're kind of cheap for bf2 anyways), Really long load times for non-Nvidia graphics card owners, a couple slight glitches but nothing truly noticable and game affecting.
Conclusion: A must buy for almost all bf2 fans.