A good expansion pack, great for all of us, including 56kers (*Singleplayer* review)

User Rating: 9.1 | Battlefield 2: Special Forces PC
The main attraction to being a PC gamer is two things, expansion packs and mods. The latter is good due to its cost (free) but the former can a sometimes just be an excuse for publishers to make you spend more money on a bad game. Don't get me wrong, Battlefield 2 is a great game-I gave it 9.7, but many game studioes make a crap game, and then make you buy an expansion pack to add on to it. Or, on the other end of the spectrum, we have the give you a great game, and then make you pay for a few useless, but still good features (Civ 3 PTW.)

Anyway, enough with my pointless ranting and on with the review. Before reading this, I assume you have Battlefield 2, and have played it, because Special Forces is an expansion pack, not a new game.

The gameplay in Special Forces is fantastic-as good as the base game. Specal Forces plays the same as Battlefield 2, but there are some new weapons, such as tear gas and flashbangs, and new items, such as grappling hooks and zip lines. Also, the classic RPG-7 has been re-added, which is great, as it is a great weapon :).

The new items are great, but they do not change the gameplay completly, the just reshape it. Using grappling hooks and zip lines, you can create new tactics. The armies in Special Forces are the US Navy SEALS, the MEC:SF, Insergents, Rebles, Spatnez (Russian SF) and British SAS.

The only bad thing is the maps. In Single Player, there are only seven maps, there are a few more in multiplayer, but not much. The maps are well designed, and are fun (in one map, you play as British SAS (or Insergents) defending\attacking an airport... At night, with nightvision.) But, with only seven maps, you can only expect to be playing it for a short time.

The graphics are as good as Battlefeild 2. Which is good, as the Battlefield 2 graphics where perfect for the time. But, now, Specal Forces's graphics contain no new effects or improvements. The new wepons look as good as the ones in Battlefield 2, though. The sound is as good as the sound in Battlefield 2, but that is the thing. No improvements here.

The game is great value, especally if you can get it cheap. The new maps add roughly 30-50 hours of playing time, perhaps more if you like it more then I do.

In conculsion, Battlefield 2 Special Forces is a great expansion pack, but not fantastic in anyway. It is still fun, and if anything, it will get you playing Battlefield 2 again.