This game was one of the best I had ever played on PC. That is, until it stopped working altogether.
Then I went on a vacation, and returned to find new patches available. So I download these patches, and then when I try to log on, I receive "The server has refused the connection". Repeat this six or seven times. I check to see if a Firewall has magic-ed itself on, and none had. So I look on EA, DICE, and Gamespy's websites for solutions to this problem and get nothing. So I ask around in the forum for this game and get nothing. Then today I noticed that my privacy setting on Internet Explorer was on medium, so I switched it to low. Now it should work, right?
Not only does it still not work, but now it crashes even before I get to see the name of the company that is screwing me over right now. EA Games...Challenge everything. I challenge the bastards at Electronic Arts to make me purchase another game published by that company. I am sure the solution to this problem is a simple one, but they aren't willing to help somebody who dished out $50 to play their game and advertise for them. Intercourse EA. If anybody is having similar problems, I urge you to also boycott the company.